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Seiko Paper *********** This page documents the trimming process of the Seiko Dpu-414 Dpu-s445 thermally sensitive paper for use in the HP-85. |Thermal Paper at Amazon| The paper is 4.4" (112 mm) wide, and needs to be trimmed to 4.22" to 4.23" wide. (107 mm) |clearer| .. image:: _images/seiko_paper_protective_tube_thumb.jpg :height: 200px :align: left :target: _images/seiko_paper_protective_tube.jpg To protect the roll of paper from the lathe chuck jaws, I wrapped it in a thin cardboard tube, from a toilet paper roll. |clearer| .. image:: _images/seiko_paper_mounted_in_lathe_thumb.jpg :height: 200px :align: left :target: _images/seiko_paper_mounted_in_lathe.jpg The roll of paper is then mounted in the lathe, and the cardboard tube shows where the cut needs to occur. The cut is done with a hand held :ref:`Swann Morton Scalpel Handle number 3` and :ref:`Swann Morton Number 11 Scalpel Blades`. The scalpel must be held so that spinning roll of paper can't push it toward you. I had the sharp edge facing up, and the blade was applied to the under side of the roll. |clearer| .. image:: _images/seiko_paper_in_process_of_cutting_thumb.jpg :height: 200px :align: left :target: _images/seiko_paper_in_process_of_cutting.jpg Here is a view during the cutting process |clearer| .. image:: _images/seiko_paper_still_need_to_do_core_thumb.jpg :height: 200px :align: left :target: _images/seiko_paper_still_need_to_do_core.jpg Once the paper is cut to length, I used a normal lathe parting off tool to trim the central core to correct length |clearer| .. image:: _images/seiko_paper_test_print_thumb.jpg :height: 200px :align: left :target: _images/seiko_paper_test_print.jpg And finally, here is a test print of the result. |clearer| .. |Thermal Paper at Amazon| raw:: html Thermal Paper at Amazon